My violas have all been inspired by the outlines of the same 1560 Andrea Amati viola found in the collection of the National Music Museum in Vermillion, SD

This most recent viola off my bench is a departure from my earlier violas of the same size (16-3/8″). Those were notable for their power and clarity, but I wanted to make an instrument with a deeper, woodier tonal presence. To this end I widened the upper and C-bouts and incorporated a wider bridge. The final result definitely moved in the direction I had hoped. Members of the Baltimore Symphony and Charlotte Symphony have responded positively to this instrument and the former principal violist of the Dresden Philharmonic characterized the tone as “buttery” as well as “well-balanced throughout the range”, ” responsive”, and “easy to play”. Mechanical tuning pegs are installed so tuning effortless and dependable in all conditions. Moderately antiqued. Currently available for audition.